Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Q: From one minority writer to another, how do you walk that fine line between being exploitative and being honest and telling your story? Does this even come to mind when you write? Does it help guide your writing/make you shy away from certain subject matters?

Nikky Finney: I don't call myself a minority writer. I call myself a Black woman writer. I always capitalize Black. I don't allow myself to be called a minority writer. I believe calling myself this or allowing myself to be called this is a part of the design that those in power have structured to always keep people - who have been marginalized in and by history - over there. I am not "over there." I am right here. I am full throttle. I am not a minority anything.

I am not small or minor. I am major. I will not be minimized or downsized or slipped into easy categories. I am a Black woman writer who is free to write about the entire world. Black people are everywhere all over the world. Words are so powerful. There is no fine line between "being exploitive and being honest" and telling my story. There is no comparison. Either you are telling the truth, as you honestly know and feel it or you are telling some truth that you think somebody wants you to tell - which by the way is not the truth. Does that make sense? There is no middle ground with this answer. You must remove all the editors from your shoulders when you write and write what you need to write. Regardless.

Q: Much of Head Off & Split is structurally interesting, in terms of both how the poems look on the page and how they work internally to themselves. This, in my opinion, displays attentiveness to the individual form of each poem - the individual life of each poem. Can you address your process of structuring a poem? Do you have a form in mind during the creative process or is it something that you sculpt later, after you've gotten the words onto the page? Also, how do you see the line functioning in Head off & Split?

Nikky Finney: I rarely have form in mind when I write. I have the words in mind. I have the feeling of something in mind. An image usually has me by the throat. I'm an incredibly visual person. I have to see it in 3D. Then it is my job to bring that dimension to the page. But I'm not initially visual with regard to the structure. I'm initially visual with regard to the people, places, and things that have begun to inhabit the poem and talk to me. The physical sculpting comes much later, once I feel confident that the people, places, and things will stay and hang around. Then the poem begins to speak to me. The poem begins to tell me what it needs and wants. I listen. I don't think there is one way in which "the line functions" in Head Off & Split. I can tell you I have never written a book in which I have ever been more aware of the line - than this one. But I feel this has more to do with the muscles of the poet rather than the muscles of the poem. Unlike the ballerina, whose knees go out at twenty-eight, I know so much more about what a line can do now - than I knew way back when.

Q: a. When I started to read "Dancing With Strom" and got to the line "My mother is dancing with Strom Thurmond," I first took it as a surreal image, a moment as strange as anything one could imagine. However, knowing your family history, specifically your father's position as Chief Justice in the South Carolina Supreme Court (which you reference a little later in the poem), I came to see that image as a possibly factual narrative moment. My first question is simple: Did that happen, and, if so, could you explain the circumstances and the tradition?

Nikky Finney: This is a true story. It was the wedding day of my youngest brother. We had just left the church and arrived at the reception. My brother's new wife was born in Edgefield, South Carolina. Edgefield, South Carolina, was also the home of Senator Strom Thurmond. Edgefield was where the reception was being held. Thurmond heard about the wedding and dropped by. There was no tradition. There was only this once-in-a-lifetime moment. Thurmond's driver pulled up in a long black car. Thurmond got out. I was standing way up high on a balcony looking down. He danced with all the women there. All of the women were Black women. One of them was my mother. It was quite a celebration. Weddings usually are. I was the only one standing around feeling that the moment was a scandalous one. I was the sister of the groom. I was also the poet standing there staring down, rudely staring at all the happy dancing human beings, the poet who could not help but bring her long memory to the dance.

Q: b. In other poems, you deal with other public figures and events (such as Condoleezza Rice, Hurricane Katrina, and former President Bush). Could you explain your process as it relates to the intersection of history (or current events) and poetic imagination? In other words, what liberties might you take and what responsibilities do you have? Additionally, was there any specific reason you chose to focus on such members of the Bush era as George W. Bush and Condolezza Rice, rather than Colin Powell and Dick Cheney?

Nikky Finney: I believe poets and artists must make their way into the political and public arena. I do not believe there is any place off limits to me as a writer. My poetic imagination lives and sleeps right beside my historical interests and scholarship. There are many different parts of me that have many daily conversations. I do not believe any of those conversations are taboo or off limits. I do believe it is my responsibility to make art and not some one-dimensional polemical tirade. As an artist something must be made and built that matters to the thinking mind and heart of humanity. I didn't choose Rice and Bush over Cheney and Powell. The Rice and Bush ideas came during several moments over many years while watching the nightly news. "Plunder" came as a result of watching George H. Bush's final State of the Nation address. The Condoleezza Rice poems came because I kept wondering who might she really be beneath that beautiful gapped tooth smile. We were both southern Black girls whose individual lives were shaped mightily by the 1950's and 60's Civil Rights legislation. I wanted to know more about our similarities and our differences so I started scribbling. I had no idea where I would end up.

Q: I understand "Plunder" to be a sonnet crown. However, the sonnets in "Plunder" obviously don't adhere to the strict confines of traditional sonnet forms. What is your interpretation of the essence of the sonnet? What elements must be present in a poem in order for it to be considered a sonnet? How do you think about form when you write, both generally and with this poem specifically?

Nikky Finney: The stanzas in "Plunder" do not strictly adhere to the traditional sonnet form. My tenth grade English teacher once told me "Miss Finney, you learn the rules first, then you break them." She changed my life when she taught me this. I was never very good at following the rules. So this understanding has always worked for me. I don't write a lot in traditional form. But the older I get I love using different traditional forms to journey deeper into new ways of saying. This is what happened in Plunder. The first fifty drafts were anything but 14 line stanzas. But once I had the story down then I needed something to help me organize and shape the material. So thinking about it as a sonnet really helped me cut some things out and keep other things and repeat what had to be repeated.

Q: Head Off & Split is dedicated to Lucille Clifton. Could you discuss her influence (and that of others) upon your poetics?

Nikky Finney: Without Lucille Clifton there would be no Head Off & Split. There is no poet whose body of work has made more of an impression on me, whose own poetic breath shaped me. None. There is no human being who gave me more permission to write the kind of work that mattered to me - None. Her honesty was immense. Her fearlessness is still present in the world. Because she was so much herself, and not someone else, not someone she was taught or told to be, I feel her here on the planet every single day. One hundred years from now we will call her name just like we call Zora Neale Hurston's name, and we will surely wonder why we did not love her louder, longer, more, when she was here with us.

Q: Two of my favorite poems from the collection are "Resurrection of the Errand Girl: An Introduction" and "Liberty Street Seafood," and I am intrigued by the motif of fish markets and fish cleaning that give the collection its title. It brought to mind for me a comparison with the motifs of digging/unearthing and farming in Seamus Heaney's work. While I don't want to ask you to "explain" this rich metaphor, I wonder if you might discuss how you discovered it and how you view it now, looking back at the collection, including how "head off and split" relates to the poet and the self.

Nikky Finney: Seven or so years ago I was driving home to South Carolina to see my parents. I called my mom as I got closer to her front door. It was a Friday. We are a family who likes to eat fish on Fridays. Mama asked me to stop and pick up some fish from the fish market. Of course, I said. Buying fish on a Friday in my hometown is tradition. Going to the fish market was something I had done since I was a little girl sent there as the errand girl. I had stood there in the fish market hundreds of times before. But this time when I handed the fishmonger my fish and he asked me what he had asked me hundreds of times before, "head off and split?" I heard it as a poet and not as the errand girl. This is one of the many beauties of poetry. One of the many amazing things about writing across a lifetime.

Q: What involvement (if any) did you have in choosing the cover image. The connection with the title of book is obvious; though is there anything else you can share about the cover image, or the title? Can you also elaborate on the connection between the collection's title and the section titles within.

Nikky Finney: I had no involvement in choosing the cover image. I was stupefied when I saw the cover. The art director hit this one out of the park. There was the fish wrapped in the history of the daily news. So many of the ideas that I wanted to explore in the poems had come from the newspaper itself. It was simply a brilliant move on the artist's part. I still find this cover quite stunning. The section titles were almost the last thing to be put into place. I remember working so hard on them. I kept reading and re-reading through the poems to study images and theme. I wanted to know which poems were speaking to each other? Which poem had a thread in another poem? Which poem had insinuated another poem into existence? Which poem needed another poem close by in order to be complete? I had to tape them up on the wall all up and down the stairs to be sure. I had to sit underneath them and stare up at them, physically, to be sure.

Q: Many of the poems in Head Off & Split include bits of information derived from historical or personal experiences. What is your writing process when you create poems that utilize pieces of historical narrative? Do you find that you must research a lot beforehand as a preliminary phase or do you have an idea of what poem is supposed to be like and search for the appropriate facts then?

Nikky Finney: I do sometimes search for appropriate facts when I am writing something and I know I want to be historically accurate. Example: If I say Condoleezza Rice lived at the Watergate Apartments. I want to be right about this. If I say she got up at 4 am to work out then I want to get that right. I don't want to say 2 a.m. But for the most part I love the unknown diving in that I often associate with research. I love finding out all the things that I don't know. I love submerging myself in information and watching and feeling certain things attach themselves to me and to the idea that has brought me to it. I am a writer who keeps writing not because of what I know but because of what I don't know - because of the sweet surprise that research always brings.

Q: What difficulty do you face in writing about "everyday people" vs. celebrities? Do you contact them before/after writing/publication? How much research goes into these poems as opposed to how much is imagined?

Nikky Finney: I experience no difficulty. Integrity should be on the tip of your pencil no matter who or what you are exploring.

Q: What is your advice to young writers wanting to explore race in their poetry? I'm afraid of coming off Tony Hoaglandesque at times but also afraid of not honestly addressing the subject of race as a young, white, gay man.

NIKKY FINNEY: We live in country that is terrified to talk about race. We've elected a Black President who talked about it brilliantly as a candidate but hasn't brought it up since. Terrified. I believe it, like all complicated and difficult subjects, requires honesty and humility, but mostly courage. I would encourage you to read other writers who perhaps have done it well. Have you read Wendell Berry's take on race. A beautiful book of essays called The Hidden Wound. Tony Hoagland does not have to be your standard. Stretch out. What about Studs Terkel? Be gentle but firm with yourself. Be willing to say the hard thing but also willing to admit that you are not the expert just a voice wanting to come out of the wilderness.

Source: http://www.sharkforum.org/2012/07/interview-with-2011-national-b.html

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Photo of the Day ? Public Republic

July 29, 2012 by public ? No comments

Photo of the Day

Ivo Oreshkov
Photo: Ivo Oreshkov

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Source: http://www.public-republic.net/photo-of-the-day-112.php/

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

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About the Author:
You can find details about the benefits you get when you book Antarctica tours and more information about the Tucan Travel team at http://www.tucantravel.com/destinations/latin-america-and-antarctica now.

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Fantastic-Vacations-With-Tucan-Travel/4068923

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hotel Trend: Chic Custom Bicycles - Carry On | Travel + Leisure


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Hotels are giving loaner bikes a stylish spin. At Shutters on the Beach, in Santa Monica, California, custom bike rentals include bright-green wheels designed by Kate Spade. In New York, the Mark lends chic black-and-white cycles adorned with bells and (for a fee) a Jean-Georges Vongerichten?catered picnic basket.

Photo by David Alexander Arnold

Source: http://www.travelandleisure.com/travel-blog/carry-on/2012/7/27/hotel-trend-chic-custom-bicycles

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Romney resume from 2002 in focus amid Olympic rift

LONDON (AP) ? On a trip already marked by misstep, Mitt Romney has an Olympic history that could prove problematic: His stewardship of the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City was not without controversy.

Romney and his wife, Ann, are set to attend the opening ceremony at the Summer Games on Friday, an event that punctuates the first leg of a three-nation tour that will take him to Israel and Poland. It's the first international swing for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, who has crafted an itinerary designed to showcase his diplomatic skills and political strengths.

The Olympic appearance carries special significance for Romney. His political career was born out of his leading role at the Salt Lake City Games, which were plagued by scandal before he was tapped to take over.

"I can't resist the pull of the beginning of the Olympics here," Romney told reporters Thursday. "My experience as an Olympic organizer is that there are always a few very small things that end up not going quite right in the first day or so ? these get ironed out and then when the games themselves begin and the athletes take over, all the mistakes of the organizing committee ? and I made a few ? all of those are overwhelmed by the many things that the athletes carry out and by the spirit of the games."

Romney's comments were aimed at downplaying his earlier suggestion that British officials might not be prepared to pull off a successful Olympics. In an interview with NBC News, he called London's problems with games preparation "disconcerting," and the remark sparked sharp responses from Britain's top officials.

Prime Minister David Cameron said Romney and other doubters would "see beyond doubt that Britain can deliver." London Mayor Boris Johnson told tens of thousands gathered in Hyde Park: "There's a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know if we are ready. Are we ready? Yes, we are!"

Amid the uproar, Romney met privately with Cameron, afterward concluding, "I expect the games to be highly successful."

On Friday, the former Massachusetts governor said "it looks to me like London is ready," although he observed in an NBC interview that "it is hard to put on the Games in a major metropolitan area."

Asked about the stir his earlier remarks caused, he replied, "I'm absolutely convinced that the people here are ready for the Games, and in just a few moments, all the things the politicians say will be swept away" by excitement over the competition.

The negative attention distracted from Romney's push to highlight the U.S.-British bond and bolster his foreign policy credentials as he auditions for the world's most powerful elected office. The Olympic focus also brought fresh attention to his actions in Utah a decade ago.

"The country is in need of a turnaround. The Olympics was a turnaround," Romney told CNN in an interview broadcast as London slept early Friday morning. "The attacks that come by people who are trying to knock down my business career, or my Olympic experience, or our success, those attacks are not going to be successful."

Such attacks have been plentiful in recent months. Democrats and even some Republicans have criticized Romney for taking credit for the 2002 games' success while relying on federal funding to help cover costs as the Salt Lake Olympics sought to recover from financial mismanagement and corruption.

"One of the things he talks about most is how he heroically showed up on the scene and bailed out and resolved the problems of the Salt Lake City Olympic Games," Rick Santorum, now a Romney supporter, said in February when he opposed Romney for the GOP nomination. "He heroically bailed out the Salt Lake City Olympic Games by heroically going to Congress and asking them for tens of millions of dollars to bail out the Salt Lake Games ? in an earmark."

Romney took over the games in 1999 after its leaders were accused of sending money to members of the International Olympic Committee to help Salt Lake City win the games.

By Romney's account, the government spent about $600 million helping the Salt Lake Olympic Committee. An additional $1.1 billion was planned for projects like roads and bridges, infrastructure improvement projects that the government probably would have paid for eventually, though the timing of the games may have sped up the construction.

Romney has made himself the very public face of the effort, claiming that he personally cut millions from the budget, wooed major companies and won sponsorships himself and pulled the whole endeavor back from the brink of failure. His record in Salt Lake was the cornerstone of his run for governor in Massachusetts, a campaign he announced in March 2002, just weeks after the games concluded.

Romney, who promises to slash federal spending if elected president, rarely acknowledges the federal support for the 2002 games on the campaign trail. His aides say much of it was for increased security costs after the 2001 terrorist attacks, which occurred about five months earlier.

But Romney doesn't mention the commitments the government had already made to cover costs associated with the games ? or elaborate on his role in persuading congressional appropriators and critics to give the games more money.

In the 2004 book he wrote about the games, "Turnaround," Romney outlined how he revamped the Salt Lake Olympic Committee's lobbying operations in Washington. He directed plans to hire experienced transportation lobbyists and wooed congressional leaders.

In one instance, Romney highlights how he made arrangements for different states to send experienced bus drivers to Utah. He helped arrange to pay them union wages, he wrote in the book ? and he persuaded the federal government to pick up the tab.

One of the lessons he learned: "If you work at it long enough, there is always another way to get the help you need in Washington," he wrote.

In London, first lady Michelle Obama is also scheduled to appear at Friday's opening ceremony, in addition to other events. She and Romney are expected to avoid the same venues.

Romney said he would attend at least one event in addition to the opening ceremony. The family has a horse competing in an equestrian event known as dressage. But Romney told Britain's Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg that he would prefer to watch swimming.


"That's just what's been arranged. It fits in the schedule," Romney said. "Swimming is always fun, and Americans typically do well in swimming."


Peoples reported from Washington.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-resume-2002-focus-amid-olympic-rift-074908223--spt.html

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Fluoxetine -- a.k.a., Prozac -- is effective as an anti-viral, study suggests

ScienceDaily (July 27, 2012) ? UCLA researchers have come across an unexpected potential use for fluoxetine -- commonly known as Prozac -- which shows promise as an antiviral agent. The discovery could provide another tool in treating human enteroviruses that sicken and kill people in the U.S. and around the world.

Human enteroviruses are members of a genus containing more than 100 distinct RNA viruses responsible for various life threatening infections, such as poliomyelitis and encephalitis. While immunization has all but eliminated the poliovirus, the archetype for the genus, no antiviral drugs currently exist for the treatment of enterovirus infections, which are often severe and potentially fatal. In view of its favorable pharmacokinetics and safety profile of fluoxetine -- which is in a class of compounds typically used in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders and some personality disorders -- the research team found that it warrants additional study as a potential antiviral agent for enterovirus infections.

Using molecular screening, the UCLA research team from the Department of Pediatrics, the California NanoSystems Institute and the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology found that fluoxetine was a potent inhibitor of coxsackievirus replication. This is one of the viruses that include polio and echovirus that is found in the gastrointestinal tract. Exposure to the virus causes other opportunistic infections and diseases.

"The discovery of unexpected antiviral activity of fluoxetine is scientifically very significant and draws our attention to previously overlooked potential targets of fluoxetine and other psychogenic drugs," said Robert Damoiseaux, scientific director of the Molecular Screening Shared Resource at the California NanoSystems Institute. "Part of our follow-up work will be the discovery of these unconventional targets for fluoxetine and other drugs of the same class and how these targets intersect with the known targets of this drug class."

Paul Krogstad, professor of pediatrics and molecular and medical pharmacology, added that understanding the mechanisms of action of fluoxetine and norfloxetine against coxsackieviruses "will add to our understanding of enterovirus replication and lead to assessment of their potential clinical utility for the future treatment of serious enterovirus infections."

The research team found that fluoxetine did not interfere with either viral entry or translation of the viral genome. Instead, fluoxetine and norfluoxetine markedly reduced the production of viral RNA and protein.

The study was published on July 2 in the journal of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Study authors also include Jun Zuo, Kevin K. Quinn, Steve Kye, and Paige Cooper from the Department of Pediatrics. The study was supported by grants from the Today's and Tomorrow's Children's Fund and the UCLA Department of Pediatrics Nanopediatrics Program.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Los Angeles. The original article was written by Jennifer Marcus.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. J. Zuo, K. K. Quinn, S. Kye, P. Cooper, R. Damoiseaux, P. Krogstad. Fluoxetine is a Potent Inhibitor of Coxsackievirus Replication. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2012; DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00983-12

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/07/120727171919.htm

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Friday, July 27, 2012

'Hit-and-run' idea in Moon origin

Scientists have proposed a fresh idea in the long-running debate about how the Moon was formed.

What is certain is that some sort of impact from another body freed material from the young Earth and the resulting debris coalesced into today's Moon.

But the exact details of the impactor's size and speed have remained debatable.

In a report online to be published in Icarus, researchers suggest that the crash happened with a much larger, faster body than previously thought.

Such theories need to line up with what we know about the Moon, about the violent processes that set off the creation of moons, and what computer simulations show about the more sedate gravitational "gathering-up" that finishes the job.

In recent years, scientists' best guess for how the Moon formed has been that a relatively slowly moving, Mars-sized body called Theia crashed into the very young Earth.

That would have heated both of them up and released a vast cloud of molten material, much of which cooled and clumped together to give rise to the Moon.

That would suggest that the Moon is made up of material from both the early Earth and from Theia, which should be somewhat different from one another.

Impact factor

What complicates that story is a number of observations of "isotopic compositions" - the ratios of naturally-occurring variants of some atoms - taken from the Earth and from lunar samples.

While the Moon has an iron core like Earth, it does not have the same fraction of iron - and computer models supporting the Theia impact idea show just the same thing.

However, the ratio of the Earth's and the Moon's oxygen isotopes is nearly identical, and not all scientists agree on how that may have come about.

Confounding the issue further, scientists reporting in Nature Geoscience in March said that a fresh analysis of lunar samples taken by the Apollo missions showed that the Moon and the Earth shared an uncannily similar isotope ratio of the metal titanium.

That, they said, gave weight to the idea that the Moon was somehow cleaved from the Earth itself.

Now, Andreas Reufer, of the Center for Space and Habitability in Bern, Switzerland, and colleagues have run computer simulations that suggest another possibility: that a far larger and faster-moving body made an even more glancing blow with the young Earth.

They said this body would have lost only a small amount of material and most of it would have continued on after the "hit-and-run".

That results in a much hotter disc of debris from the collision, but matches up with what would be needed to make a Moon-sized body.

The authors suggest that since most of what became the Moon would have been liberated by the impact from the Earth, similarities between the isotope fractions should be more pronounced.

More analyses of different elements within lunar samples - and a great deal more computer simulations that result in a Moon like our own - will be needed to settle the debate.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-19011013#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

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I'm in Foster Care! Please contact my foster to arrange a meeting with me. Hello! My name is Kate, but my foster mom calls me Koala Kate because of my white chin and fluffy gray, kitten tummy. I am bodacious, outgoing, and adventurous, and ready to take on the world, but sometimes I just want to sleep in a pile with my brothers, Ronald and Fourvel. I love head butts and butt scratches and my foster mom has conditioned me to not only tolerate but expect lots of kisses. I love to talk and my little kitten mew couldn't be cuter. Contact my foster mom to meet me and take me home: [email removed].

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Brought to you by Petfinder.com

Source: http://washingtondc.ebayclassifieds.com/cats-kittens/washington/domestic-short-hair-kate-medium-baby-female-cat/?ad=21742860

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Locating the Closest Old Bridge Dental Clinic | ArticleBro.com

Relocating to New Jersey needs you to definitely know more concerning your brand new community. This consists of trying to find several establishments across the area to get services from. As you relocate to a brand new address, you need to find a new regular dentist to visit on a monthly basis for checkups. Find an East Brunswick family dental center and secure your oral health.

Searching for a dentist in Old Bridge, NJ isn?t an easy task. You must look at several things when looking for dental centers you can trust. Not all centers provide you with the same quality of services. You have to conduct your own personal study if you don?t wish to entrust your dental health to the wrong hands. Listed below are some stuff you must look into when studying about centers in the area.

Getting What You Need Exactly

Not all centers may provide you with the exact services you will need. Some dental facilities may center on family dental care or preventive treatments. Others might have a lot more knowledge on restorative procedures or providing relief for tooth pain. What ever sort of service you need, you ought to head over to those giving expertise on the solutions you?re looking for.

It is common for some centers to incorporate cosmetic solutions in their set of services. Dentists might quickly obtain a quick course on particular cosmetic treatments and begin featuring the things they learned. Select a real cosmetic dentist Old Bridge NJ if you wish to increase your teeth the proper way. Do not just go along with any dental practitioner without sufficient experience providing aesthetic dental work.

Top of the Line Care

Dental procedures are normally costly because of the sophisticated devices used. Although some centers may perhaps present cost-effective rates on a number of services, you should never trade quality over the price.Your oral health is at stake. Any damage on your mouth area might have an overall effect on your wellbeing. At all times put in priority the quality of services before the price of each procedure. You might wind up spending money on more if you keep coming back for a number of sessions because of poor services.

Fast Treatment options

Patients don?t need to suffer from lengthy operations, since this puts stress on their jaw. Dentists, nowadays, search for newer approaches to keep the treatments brief and fast. Many dental remedies are uncomfortable in nature so patients avoid them whenever possible. A quick dental procedure, nevertheless, ought not undermine the effectiveness of the treatment method. Look for an Old Bridge dental clinic that focuses on the convenience of their patients, while providing quality services.

Also try looking up dentists East Brunswick NJ on the web. You will find a number of centers to pick from. Jot down your choices and learn more about the dentists and the services they offer. You possibly can look for previous patient testimonies to find out about their satisfaction on the services they acquired. Make a decision on which clinic to visit to with regards to the three elements stated earlier.

Source: http://articlebro.com/2012/health-fitness/locating-the-closest-old-bridge-dental-clinic/

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Making of South Park: 6 Days To Air Proves Crude Jokes Require Incredible Commitment [Movie Night]

The guys behind South Park might laugh a lot during the process, but the making of the weekly animated show is a brutal endeavor. This documentary, released last fall, joins creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone after the debut of their Broadway show "The Book of Mormon," just as the pair have returned to LA to work on the TV show's 15th season premiere. You have to admire the intense work ethic driving the show's breakneck production cycle. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/_n2Dhh6Zz1E/the-making-of-south-park-6-days-to-air-proves-crude-jokes-require-incredible-commitment

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How To Care For Sensitive Skin ? Top 9 Tips For Sensitive Skin Care

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Top 9 Tips For Sensitive Skin Care Sensitive skin needs tender care. It reacts strongly to harsh chemicals, sun rays and commercially prepared skin care products. It doesn?t mean that people with sensitive skin cannot apply makeup or use cosmetics. It is just that they should use them carefully and be cautious about the ingredients used in cosmetics.

A few useful tips for sensitive skin care are given below to help you take care of sensitive skin.

Tips for Sensitive Skin Care

Chose Skin Care Products Carefully

Sensitive skin can be oily, dry or a combination of both. You have to choose skin care products very carefully as sensitive skin reacts to strong products which can cause irritation, redness and make your face blotchy.

Hypoallergenic skin care products are best suited for a sensitive skin. You can use homemade cleanser, toner, moisturiser and facial mask to take care of sensitive skin. Homemade products are safe and effective. They are easy on your pocket too. A few recipes are given below for sensitive skin care.

Cleanser for Sensitive Skin

Soaps should be avoided for cleansing sensitive skin as most of them contain strong chemicals that can be drying and irritating. Use mild cleansers that are specially made for sensitive skin if you are using a commercially prepared cleanser. For those who feel more confident with homemade cleanser, yogurt is the best natural product for cleansing sensitive skin.

Apply one table spoon plain yogurt, preferably homemade, and apply it on your face and neck. Leave it on for 5 minutes and wash off with normal water. Yogurt has a very soothing and cooling effect and it leaves your face absolutely clean and glowing.

Toner for Sensitive Skin

Toner is used after cleansing the face to help to close the pores and prepare the skin for moisturising. Toner can be applied with a cotton swab or with a spray bottle.?Commercially prepared toners can cause skin eruptions and redness to a sensitive skin. You can prepare a homemade toner with vinegar, rose water or lemon juice and use it as required.

Top 9 Tips For Sensitive Skin Care

Take three parts water and one part of any of the above mentioned ingredient. Mix it well and fill it in a spray bottle. Spray it all over your face and neck and let it dry as it absorbs into the skin.?Splashing cold water on your face also works as a toner, but the mineral compounds in water can cause dryness and irritation. Use water sparingly on a sensitive skin.

Moisturiser for Sensitive Skin

Moisturising sensitive skin helps to keep your skin smooth and soft. It maintains the elasticity of the skin and prevents premature aging. Moisturising is essential for every day sensitive skin care in all seasons.

Unboiled cold milk is an excellent moisturiser for sensitive skin. It has a soothing effect and it penetrates deep in to the skin pores. The protein, vitamins and minerals present in milk nourish the skin without making it greasy. Apply cold milk on your face and neck with the help of a cotton ball and leave it on for 10 minutes. Afterwards wipe your face with a moist cotton ball.

Face Mask for Sensitive Skin

Face mask can be used on weekly basis for sensitive skin care. It helps to keep skin healthy and free from blemishes, pigmentation and acne. Face mask also prevents and reduces wrinkles. Commercially prepared face mask for sensitive skin may not suit all skin types, thus you can try one of homemade face mask for sensitive skin care.

Mash a full ripe banana; add one tea spoon honey and a few drops of lemon juice to it. Apply on your face and neck and leave it on for 20 minutes, wash it off with normal water.?Mash a few pieces of papaya; add two table spoon orange juice and one tea spoon honey to it and use as mentioned above.?Mix two table spoons of plain yogurt with one tea spoon honey and one table spoon rose water. Use as face mask to calm your sensitive skin.

Also Read

?Sensitive Skin and Taking Care Of It
5 Acne Treatment for Sensitive Skin
Sensitive Skin Care Tips
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Special Care for Sensitive Skin

Face Scrub for Sensitive Skin

Facial scrub is necessary for exfoliation. It helps to remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate the skin. You should not use a face scrub on sensitive skin more than once a week to avoid skin eruption and blotchiness. Sensitive skin should be scrubbed gently without causing any friction.

Take one tea spoon granulated sugar; add one tea spoon lemon juice and a few drops of water to it. Scrub your face and neck till sugar is dissolved and wash it off with normal water.?Take one tea spoon almond powder, one tea spoon gram flour and a pinch of turmeric powder. Make a paste with milk and use it as face scrub for sensitive skin care.

Take one tea spoon sandalwood powder and a few strands of saffron. Make a paste with milk and exfoliate sensitive skin with this scrub. Saffron and sandalwood powder improves complexion and skin tone. It adds a glow to your skin.

Less is More

Be very frugal while using makeup on sensitive skin. Less is more is the mantra to protect your skin from allergic reactions. Use light foundation and concealer and avoid very heavy makeup.

Top 9 Tips For Sensitive Skin Care

Sometimes a light makeup can enhance your beauty more than a heavily done up face. Try mineral makeup instead of oil based one and always remove makeup before going to bed.

Protect your Skin

Sensitive skin needs protection from harsh sunrays, extreme weather conditions and rain water. Too much sun can damage your skin cells which may result in sun burn and skin peeling.

Exposure in extreme cold can cause frost bite and redness which can be very painful and embarrassing. Similarly exposure to rainwater can cause skin allergies like acne, rashes and boils to a sensitive skin.?Wear adequate protection such as sunglasses, a hat and always carry an umbrella while going outdoors.

Diet for Sensitive Skin Care

People with sensitive skin should avoid spicy food, deep fried food and processed food in order to maintain a healthy skin. Sensitive skin reacts to unhealthy diet more strongly than other skin types.?Drink plenty of fluids in form of water, fresh vegetable and fruit juice for internal cleansing to maintain a blemish free skin.

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Top 9 Tips For Sensitive Skin Care, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Source: http://www.ayushveda.com/magazine/top-9-tips-for-sensitive-skin-care/

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Assembly candidate resigns from non-profit position after complaint (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)

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Look Inside 38 Studios Disaster Shows Overconfident, Clueless Curt ...

Jason Schwartz and Boston Magazine provide a thorough autopsy of 38 Studios, the fledgling video game company started by former Red Sox star Curt Schilling that received $50 million of a $75 million guaranteed loan from the state of Rhode Island to produce a fantasy online role-playing game, only to burn through the money and collapse.

WOW non-killerSchwartz managed to snag interviews with Schilling and several of his employees and paints a picture of a man who really had little idea about how to run a game development company. Schilling blew through millions of his own savings as well as public funds with a terrible plan that scared potential investors away:

By 2006, Curt Schilling had earned more than $90 million playing baseball, not including endorsements. But what he really aspired to was being ?Bill Gates rich.? He admired the global impact the Microsoft founder had made through his philanthropy, and wanted to do the same. Schilling, who has an autistic son, imagined providing $200 million to open the Shonda Schilling Center for Autism Research.

Creating a video game would be what catapulted him to that wealth. More specifically, he would build a massively multiplayer online game (or, blessedly abbreviated, an MMO) ? the type that allows people from across the world to play with and against one another. As a kid, Schilling had been obsessed with computers (his first was an Apple II), and during his baseball career, rather than go out carousing, he spent his time playing MMOs. A favorite of his was the industry leader, World of Warcraft, a vast fantasy landscape filled with wizards, elves, and warriors that has more than 10 million paying subscribers.

Successful MMOs are incredibly lucrative, but they?re also the hardest type of game to build. You?re programming not just a game, explains Dan Scherlis, the first CEO of Turbine, a maker of MMOs, but a complex social system for thousands, if not millions, of users. A normal video game might require a couple of years to develop, but an MMO takes at least twice as long. Because of that, many gaming entrepreneurs start small, working their way up from something simple for a mobile device, or perhaps a single-player game for PlayStation or Xbox. But Schilling had grander ideas. He was going to challenge World of Warcraft. His fantasy world would be similar (you want elves and wizards, you?ve got elves and wizards), but he envisioned deeper plot lines and more-striking visuals. He persuaded R. A. Salvatore, the bestselling novelist from Leominster, to dream up the fictional universe, and the famed comic artist Todd McFarlane, a noted baseball fan, to conceive its artistic vision.

If Schilling?s story were a Shakespearean tragedy, ?He was going to challenge World of Warcraft,? would be the line in which you realized the hero was doomed. World of Warcraft currently has more than 10 million subscribers. This is a drop in numbers over the last two years. According to figures from a site devoted to tracking MMO subscription numbers, no other game out there comes anywhere close. Even an MMO about Star Wars couldn?t crack 2 million. This was a doomed plan from the start.

Schilling also had no real sense on how to run a start-up business, which became apparent long before he went begging Rhode Island for money. He launched the company with $5 million of his own and expected investors to come on board to pay the rest (he estimated the cost to produce an MMO as $40-50 million. World of Warcraft cost somewhere around twice that to build and maintain). He blew through tons of his own money in perks for employees.? He made many, many questionable decisions:

Schilling put his wife, Shonda, on the board of directors. Shonda?s father received a job in IT (by all accounts, he performed admirably), and her mother was given the title ?philanthropy and charity manager.? Meanwhile, Shonda?s uncle, William Thomas, became COO. Though a seasoned businessman, Thomas had no experience with video games, much less MMOs. Schilling took to calling him ?Uncle Bill? around the office, and even in meetings with outsiders. According?to the case study, Thomas told Schilling?it was making them look bad and to?stop. The nickname caught on with?the staff, anyway.

Most troublesome of all was the?unique profit-sharing plan Schilling devised for his first employees. Wasserman, Bussgang, and Gordon?write that, since Schilling was bank-rolling the company by himself, he?was hesitant to give up equity in it.?So instead of luring early prospective hires with stock options, he promised?to share all profits 50-50 with them.?Upon arriving as CEO, Close recognized that ?investors? heads would explode? when they saw the model, since they?d?be bearing all the risk but reaping only?half the reward. Close eventually convinced Schilling to scrap the policy and replace it with stock options.

But investors would have nothing to do with the extremely risky venture. Schwartz spoke with Todd Dagres of Spark Capital in Boston. He looked at what was going on at the company and decided against investment:

?He was very forthcoming to tell you how much of his own money he put in,??Dagres recalls. Schilling tells me that he considered that kind of disclosure a selling point: ?I assumed that they would look at it as, ?If he?s this far in, it?s not going to fail. He?s not going to let this thing fail.?? Instead, Dagres was shocked that Schilling was plunging so much into such a risky venture. The VC left with his checkbook firmly closed.

Time and again, though, Schilling emerged from meetings like this one thinking he?d hit a home run. ?There was never a single one that he didn?t walk out of saying he absolutely killed it,? says a former employee who attended a number of investor meetings. But over and over, there was no investment. Still, Schilling remained optimistic. ?Curt sincerely believed that Copernicus was the best thing since sliced bread,? the former employee says. He ?could not imagine a scenario where other people would not see the same potential he did. His attitude is always, This is gonna?happen, the deal is going to close.

It?s quite remarkable how little Schilling grasped about the business side of his favorite hobby. Video game enthusiasts who don?t have the millions to invest that Schilling did are more than capable of grasping why Schilling kept striking out. So, then, it probably shouldn?t come as a surprise that Schilling didn?t realize that turning to the government for a massive loan would turn Project Copernicus pretty much radioactive. Video games obviously and clearly do not need government support in order to succeed in the marketplace. The Rhode Island loan had to have been seen as a giant red flag to potential investors.

Schilling takes a lot of the blame for the company?s failure, but still wants to point the finger at Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee for revealing confidential information about the company (such as that the company spending $4million a month).

But after reading the ridiculous way the company had been operating, Chafee comes out smelling like a hero. Rhode Island taxpayers have every right to be upset. This was an indefensible use of government funding.

More Reason on this subsidizing gaming disaster.

Source: http://reason.com/blog/2012/07/24/look-inside-38-studios-disaster-shows-ov

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

London pollution could affect olympic athletes' performance

Olympic rings
Eddie Keogh / ReutersEddie Keogh / Reuters
Olympic rings

Eddie Keogh / ReutersEddie Keogh / Reuters

(CNN) -

Less than a week from the opening ceremonies, allergists are warning that some Olympic athletes may suffer breathing problems due to air pollution in London.

The amount of nitrogen dioxide in London is comparable to the level of nitrogen dioxide in Beijing before Beijing banned half of the cars in preparation for the Games, and London has done little to control traffic, says Dr. William Silvers, an allergy specialist and a member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).

Demanding workouts in the polluted air could spell trouble particularly for those athletes that already have conditions such as asthma or exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), a narrowing of the airways that makes it hard to move air out of the lungs, according to AAAAI.

Silvers believes that the pollution levels are an underplayed aspect of the Olympics, and more needs to be done in order to address the potential health problems for athletes.

Elite athletes have an increased incidence of EIB, says Dr. Silvers. The AAAAI estimates 1 in 5 top athletes and 1 in 6 of all Olympic athletes have to deal with EIB.

People with EIB experience coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath during or after exercise but are otherwise healthy. Pollution can worsen these symptoms can could adversely affect the athletes' performance.

Silvers suggests it could mean the difference between first and second place for Olympic athletes with breathing problems. Marathon runners could be particularly affected by this, according to Silvers.

"Up to half of Olympic athletes with EIB were previously undiagnosed," says Silvers. He suggests it's therefore important that athletes are evaluated before their competitions begin.

Source: http://www.wyff4.com/news/health/London-pollution-could-affect-olympic-athletes-performance/-/9324046/15642062/-/st09rd/-/index.html?absolute=true

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Siamese - Johnny Boy - Medium - Adult - Male - Cat | Cincinnati ...

Siamese - Johnny Boy - Medium - Adult - Male - Cat

Beautiful boy, unusual coloring, dark blue eyes! Came to the shelter as a neglect case, full of fleas. But look at him now! Very playful, approx. 1 year old.
* Adoption information can be found here <http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH426.html#adoptions> .
* All cats and kittens have been vet-checked, spayed/neutered, and are up-to-date on vaccinations.
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Breed: Siamese
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Pet has been spayed/neutered

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Incorporation Tax Secrets Revealed : Know How Network

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Discover The Secret To Lowering Your Small Business Taxes ? Instantly And Easily!

How To Quickly Slash Your Tax Bill ? Legally, Ethically ? With No Fear Of An IRS Audit?For Any Small Business Owner or Self-Employed Person ??Is There One Small Business Tax Reduction StrategyWorth More Than All Other Strategies Combined? ? Finally! The #1 Tax Secret of the Rich is Exposed!Announcing The Only Plain English Tax Guide To Forming A CorporationIncorporation Tax Secrets Revealed!?How To Save Thousands In Taxes By Incorporating Your Business:The Ultimate Small Business Tax Reduction Strategy ? ?You?ll save thousands on your taxes?

I spent over $5,000 last year on accountants, advisors, lawyers, and financial planners. None of them explained as clearly as you did the value of a corporation, and the specific tax advantages (in dollars) of forming one. I recommend this book to anyone operating as a sole-proprietor. After reading it, you?ll understand how to save several thousand dollars a year minimum on your taxes, and you?ll discover how to protect yourself from audits and lawsuits.

? Jonathan Mizel?


?Learn the secrets the pros don?t tell? This ebook completely demystifies incorporating your business! Even I, without any tax or legal background, was able to easily understand it! Before you talk to your lawyer, before making an appointment with an accountant, read this ebook and learn all the secrets they won?t bother telling you! ? Milana LeshinskyAssociation of Solo Professionals on the Webhttp://www.aspow.comDear Small Business Owner or Self-Employed Person:?The tax burden of the Sole Proprietor is staggering.According to conservative estimates, small business owners and the self-employed are overpaying their taxes by $160 billion every year.A statistic like that can mean only one thing to you:You overpaid your taxes, too!My name is Wayne M. Davies, author of The Tax Reduction Toolkit. I?ve been helping small business owners and self-employed people pay less tax for the past 15 years, and I?m here to tell you that you are entitled to your share of that $160 billion pot of taxpayer gold. ? ? ?Wayne is my newsletter?s resident tax expert . . . . . . and always garners congratulations from readers. His latest book, ?Incorporation Tax Secrets Revealed? is just like everything Wayne produces: TOP NOTCH! I highly recommend Wayne?s ebook to everyone who is in business for themselves and/or wants to seriously save on their taxes. Wayne Davies ROCKS! ? Aaron Turpenhttp://www.AaronzWebWorkz.com
Everybody knows that the wealthy have been using fancy tax-reduction schemes for decades. With enough high-paid tax attorneys, any ?fat cat? can get away with paying no tax at all. But what about the average, middle-class small business owner? What about the self-employed person who is just starting out and who doesn?t have an extra 5 or 10 grand to spend on complicated tax-avoidance strategies and exorbitant tax consulting fees?So, what can you do to reduce your taxes, without spending an arm and a leg??And what can you do to protect yourself from the onslaught of frivolous, time-consuming and potentially business-ending lawsuits that clutter our court systems today??The answer is simple:Incorporate your business.Perhaps you?ve heard that advice before.? And perhaps you?ve thought, ?Yeah, I should look into that.? But you?ve stopped short. You?ve hesitated. You didn?t follow through, for any number of reasons.Maybe you thought it would cost too much to incorporate: lawyer fees, filing fees, and the like.Maybe you thought it would be too time-consuming, too much hassle, too much paperwork: forms, forms and more forms!And now you?re back where you started, wondering (again), ?Is it worth it? Are the advantages of incorporating really worth it?? Or maybe you have incorporated your small business but are wondering, ?Did I make the right choice of entity?? (In case you didn?t know, there are 3 (yup, three) different types of corporations, and each one is taxed very differently!)?So even if you already formed a corporation, how do you know you picked the one that enables you to pay the least amount of tax?Perhaps this story will help you decide.?* * * * *?A Tale of Two Small Business Owners:As Tom pulled into his driveway, he was annoyed at himself.? He found himself doing it again, and he didn?t like it.Yet, he seemed compelled to do it anyway. It?s just that if anyone knew what he was doing, he would really be embarrassed. After all, who looks at his neighbor?s garbage all the time?Tom reached up to his visor, and pushed the square button on the garage door opener. He was lost in thought as the garage door slowly moved up. He pulled the car in and had to navigate to get the car in without hitting his wife?s car or the bikes that were sloppily thrown in.He pushed the door opener again as he climbed out of the car, and couldn?t help but glance out toward the neighbor?s house. The last thing he saw as the door moved toward the concrete floor, was the pile of trash.He opened the door to the house, and was greeted by Becky. She was just getting home herself.? She still had her raincoat on, as she was leafing through the mail.?Hi, Babe,? said Tom as he kissed her on the cheek. He took his coat off and as he was throwing it on the back of the barstool he asked, ?You know, I?m embarrassed to ask this, but have you ever noticed the Jacobson?s garbage??Becky had a silly look on her face. She replied, ?Well, actually, uh, now that you mention it, yeah, I have. Are you talking about all the boxes from all the new stuff they buy???Yes. I hate to even admit this, but I can?t help noticing they seem to always have new appliances, or furniture, or whatever, for themselves and the kids. I don?t want to sound nosy or anything, but I know Richard?s business makes about the same as mine. You notice they also go on vacations a lot, and they sent Conner to Northwestern University? How do they do it??,? Tom mused.Becky was wondering the same thing. Actually, she was curious why so many of their Business Owner friends lived so differently. Some better, some worse. And even though she knows there are some unusual circumstances, it just doesn?t add up. How do Business Owners like the Jacobson?s do so much better??He must make a lot more than we think,? Tom rationalized, as he headed for the refrigerator.******No, Tom. It turns out that Richard Jacobson doesn?t make more money than you do.? In fact, Richard and Tom, these two typical Small Business Owners, own very similar businesses that bring in about the same amount of money every year.? And when you compare the overhead expenses of these two businesses, again, things are pretty much the same.There is really only one major difference between Richard?s business and Tom?s business.? Only one item that accounts for Richard having so much more profit than Tom does every year ?? and that one area is TAXES!I?ve seen it time and time again in my 15 year career.? I call it ?The Tale of Two Small Business Owners.?? They have the same amount of money coming in and about the same amount of money going out ? except for taxes.? Tom is The Typical Business Owner.? He pays his taxes with anger and resentment, not realizing that there is a better way.? Then there?s Richard, who is hardly The Typical Business Owner.? He is The Rare Exception.? He has learned how to squeeze more juice out of his financial orange, so to speak.He has discovered that there are little known techniques to make the money we all work so hard for, go farther than it normally does.? A lot farther!You see, about 6 years ago, Richard incorporated his business. And about 6 years ago, Tom thought about forming a corporation, but decided it was too much hassle. So Tom has continued to operate his business as a Sole Proprietorship, while Richard operates his business as a corporation.And that has made all the difference. Tens of thousands of dollars of difference.******You see, the education we all get as American Business Owners is sorely lacking in one area.? Yet, it is an area that, next to our health, is really at the top of the list of importance.Sure. We?re talking about your money. And how to make sure you get to keep as much of it as is legally possible.? We?re talking about TAXES ? and how to beat the Tax Man at his own game!When you think about it, when in high school, or college, or even graduate school, did we learn how to legally reduce the amount of taxes we pay to the government?Which course prepared us for dealing with business taxes?I can?t remember any useful information about this even being discussed.? Can you?But you can go to the library now and find a whole shelf full of books on small business tax reduction strategies. Or just go to ?google? or ?yahoo? and do some research online ? again, you?ll find a boatload of resources.But where do you start?There are so many ways to legally reduce your business taxes, where do you begin?You begin by focusing on the one small business tax reduction strategy that stands head and shoulders above all the rest: Incorporate your small business.If you are going to implement just one technique to lower your taxes, this is the one you should start with. Forming a corporation can save you more money than every other tax strategy combined. Why do you think so many corporations exist?That?s why I?ve written a new ebook all about the benefits of incorporating. It?s called:Incorporation Tax Secrets Revealed!How To Save Thousands In Taxes By Incorporating Your Business:Forming a corporation is the best way I know to reduce your taxes by thousands and protect your personal assets from business-related lawsuits.Once you?ve read my book, you?ll know more about the benefits of incorporating than 99.9% of all business owners out there ? benefits like . . .1. How do I know for sure that my business is better off as a corporation than a Sole Proprietorship?Why not just remain a Sole Proprietor? Why not ?keep it simple??My ebook explains exactly why a Sole Proprietorship is such a dangerous entity to own. After reading this ebook, you?ll wonder why you ever operated as a Sole Proprietor, regardless of what kind of business you own or what your income is.2. How do I know for sure that my business is better off as a corporation than a Partnership?Aren?t there situations when a Partnership is a viable business entity?My ebook explains exactly why a Partnership can be twice as dangerous??????????????????????? as a Sole Proprietorship ? a business entity to avoid like the plague.3. Do you ever get confused about this Choice of Entity issue? There are so many choices ? Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, and several types of corporations: ?C? Corporation, ?S? Corporation, and Limited Liability Company (LLC).Get this ebook and get un-confused about the Choice of Entity decision, once and for all.My ebook gives you the whole scoop on the ?Choice of Entity? issue. You?ll discover which entities are ?good? entities and which ones are ?bad? entities. Which ones to consider seriously and which ones to avoid. You?ll get clear direction on how to narrow down the choices ? in easy-to-understand Plain English. No technical gobbledy-gook. No legal mumbo jumbo.4. What about these 3 types of corporations? How do I sort out the differences between a ?C? Corporation, an ?S? Corporation, and a Limited Liability Company (LLC)?Yes, not all corporations are created equal! There are 3 entities that provide limited liability. Which one should you be?My ebook helps you make that decision ? and you better believe that this is an incredibly important decision! Forming a corporation may be a ?no-brainer.? But forming the ?right? kind of corporation is often a complicated decision involving a multitude of factors. ??This book is worth an easy $5,000? I am really steamed. Neither my attorney nor my accountant bothered to tell me I was wasting my money simply because I had the ?wrong? type of corporation for my needs. If I just take that ?extra? tax I?ve been paying and put it into my retirement account, I?ll have an additional $232,000. Anyone can do the same. This ebook is worth an easy $5,000 to anyone who has or wants to get into business.? ? Kevin Bidwellhttp://www.all-in-one-business.comOnce you read this ebook, you?ll be equipped to ?get this right?. Otherwise you?ll end up paying thousands more in taxes than necessary.?Incorporation Tax Secrets Revealed? explains the major tax benefits of each corporate entity. There are literally tens of thousands of dollars worth of tax-reduction strategies explained here. Some you may have heard of, others I?m sure you haven?t.Here?s just a few of the corporate tax secrets revealed:1. How to deduct 100% of your medical bills (including those sky-high health insurance premiums), even when your business has a loss.? (Even with recent tax law changes, Sole Proprietors have never been able to do this!)2. How to save thousands by legally shifting your business income to other family members in lower tax brackets. This strategy alone is worth a small fortune.3. How to avoid the dreaded ?double taxation? of corporate profits. Many Sole Proprietors avoid the corporation for fear of paying tax twice on their business profit. When you find out how easy it is to avoid the ?double whammy?, you?ll be amazed! 4. How to use a corporation to legally reduce your employment taxes by 40% or more. Sole Proprietors and Partnerships often pay twice as much employment taxes as Corporation owners. After reading my ebook, you?ll know how to use a corporation to legally reduce your employment taxes by thousands ? each and every year!5. How to deduct your business losses immediately, offsetting thousands of non-business income. Many businesses have losses, especially in the early years. Find out what type of corporation enables you to deduct those losses against your other ?non-business? income, saving you a bundle in taxes while you get your business off the ground.6. Discover how to use the Limited Liability Company like a ?chameleon?, with the phenomenal ability to provide legal protection while being taxed like any of the other entities, offering you flexibility never before seen on the corporate scene.7. Find out how to take advantage of the 2003 Tax Cuts to lower your business income taxes as well as your personal income taxes.? Thanks to the new tax bill passed in May 2003, tax planning has never been so complicated! My ebook un-ravels the complexities of the new rules, making sure you know how to use these new rules ?the right way? to slash your taxes.8. How to reduce the tax on the sale of your business by 20% or more!? Some day, when you go to sell your business, will you have had the foresight to use the one business ?exit strategy? that 99% of business owners never even consider when they start their business?All these tax tricks are exposed in my new ebook, ?Incorporation Tax Secrets Revealed: The Ultimate Small Business Tax Reduction Strategy.? ??These strategies saved me $3,728 this year? I can?t believe you are finally ?spilling the beans?, Wayne! The strategies revealed here are the same ones that saved me $3,728 in taxes this year. Thanks for making complicated tax rules so easy to understand and implement.? ? Jeff RifeRife Insurance Inc.http://www.rifeinsurance.comThis is truly . . .?. . . for small business owners, home-based business owners, part-time business owners, sole proprietors and the self-employed. ??This book will reduce my taxes by $3,360 next year alone? I thought it was impossible, but Wayne has done it. He?s written a book on incorporating that is actually interesting, simple, easy to read, and best of all ? you can use the information immediately. This is just what all small business owners need. I expect this to save me at least $3,360 in taxes next year alone. ? Eric Owens, Nashua, NHCo-founder, http://www.internettaxhelper.comIf you?ve wondered ?Is it really worth forming a corporation?? ? this ebook will . . .a) Explain exactly why the answer to that question is undeniably ?YES!?andb) Help you decide which type of corporation is best for you: regular ?C? Corporation, ?S? Corporation, or Limited Liability Company.Be not dismayed . . . . This ebook is for you, too!How do you know you picked the ?right? kind of corporation for your particular situation? How do you know whether you should switch to one of the other types? My ebook will help you figure this out! ??Thank you so much? I am very glad I read your ebook. I?ll be starting a new business soon and I learned from your ebook that my incorporation plan was illegal. So I promptly made the necessary changes before it was too late.? This is not just another lame ebook.? ? Carl Haugenhttp://www.winningadcopy.comSo What?s It Gonna Cost You To Get Your Hands On This Valuable Resource?I know you?re probably wondering about the price. And I?m here to tell you that I?m not going to charge you an arm and a leg to give you these tax secrets.If you were to become one of my tax clients and make an appointment to discuss ?which entity is best for me?, it would take at least 2 or 3 hours of my time to explain all the tax secrets revealed in this book.My standard rate for tax consulting starts at $145/hour ? so right off the bat I?d have to charge you at least $290 or $435.But don?t worry, that?s not the price of ?Incorporation Tax Secrets Revealed?. Far from it.I originally thought something in the $97 to $197 price range would be fair ? about a 50% discount off my hourly consulting fees.But I really don?t want to limit the number of people who can access this information ? so I?m offering this ebook at the low introductory price of $37.Even though this information will slash your taxes by thousands each and every year, I?m willing to ?give away the farm? and offer the ebook at a price that is both ?reasonable? and ?affordable.?For the cost of dinner for two, you can finally ?get your arms around? a subject that most small business owners only dream of understanding. Finally, you?ll have the same information in your hands that the wealthy have been using for generations to slash their taxes.I know there are tax-reduction products sold online and offline for hundreds of dollars. (There is a market for every price-point, ya know.)And perhaps I?ve completely ignored all ?common sense? (and the pleading of my wife) by under-pricing this ebook at an almost ridiculous $37.But I didn?t want anyone to say ?I can?t afford it.?Plus, I want this to serve as an introduction to me and my business online ?? in case you are ?meeting? me for the first time online.As corny as this sounds, I?m offering this ebook at this price because I want to earn your TRUST.It?s true ? again, please pardon the clich? ? what goes around comes around.? It?s the only way I know how to do business ? whenever I over-deliver, I end up coming out way ahead in the long run.? And I want you to believe me when I tell you, I?ll be here (online) for a long time to come. Of course you understand that $37 is an introductory price ? it won?t stay that low forever.???? I will eventually increase the price to $67 or $97 ? and you?d still be getting a great return on your investment, when you consider that just one tax strategy revealed in this ebook can be worth $2,000 or $5,000 or $10,000 ? year after year after year.And to further prove that I?m not out to ?rip you off?, here?s what else you get . . .Bonus #1: One free ?Choice of Entity Analysis? Certificate ($195 value)At least once a week I receive an email like this: ?Dear Wayne: I just started a business and I?m wondering whether I should incorporate. How do I know which business entity type is best for me? Please advise.?My answer is always the same disclaimer-laden response: ?It all depends.?? It depends on a long list of factors that must be reviewed by an experienced tax professional.After you read my ebook, you may have questions and you may need some help sorting it all out.That?s what the Choice of Entity Analysis will do for you. I?ll review the details of your particular situation and give you an in-depth answer to the Choice of Entity question. I?ll tell you which legal entity results in the greatest tax savings, and I?ll explain to you the whole process of making the switch from one entity to another (if a switch is advisable).Believe me, making a change in your Choice of Entity ain?t nearly as painful and costly as Uncle Fred (or some other well-intentioned, self-proclaimed ?tax expert?) may have told you.? In fact, forming a corporation, or changing from one type of corporation to another, will usually result in tax savings that far exceed any out-of-pocket cost.In fact, I?ve worked with hundreds of small business owners who ?made the switch? from one entity to another, and the end result was always the same: the tax savings was so great that, in effect, there was no out-of-pocket expense. Uncle Sam paid the bill to get the corporation going, and the taxpayer ended up paying thousands of dollars less in taxes for many years to come.?I?ll be sending you my Choice of Entity coupon? After reading your new ebook, I know that I have to incorporate right away! You made me realize how vulnerable my personal assets really are. Thanks a lot! And I can?t believe that you?re throwing in that free Choice of Entity Analysis coupon with every copy. That?s really nice of you. I?ll be sending mine to you soon. You really make learning about taxes and business entities easy. That?s great, since I don?t have a clue when it comes to taxes! ? Ken Leonard Jr.Publisher, New Marketer Ezinehttp://www.kenleonardjr.comBonus #2: One free Choice of Entity 60-minute Phone Consultation? ($145 value)I?ll spend up to one hour on the phone with you, answering your questions about which entity is best for your situation. You can ?pick my brain? for 60 minutes and we can go over the Choice of Entity Analysis that I?ll prepare for you as explained in Bonus #1.Altogether, you get $340 worth of Choice of Entity tax planning services ? at no extra charge!You?ll get your questions answered, you?ll get un-confused once and for all.Bonus #3: One free coupon to purchase my first tax ebook at 46% off? ($17 value)You?ll get to invest in my first tax ebook at half price!? The Tax Reduction Toolkit: 29 Little-Known Legal Loopholes That Will Reduce Your Taxes By Thousands (for small business owners and self-employed people only!) normally sells for $37. But you get it for only $19.97, a 46% savings. Here?s what?s included with the Tax Reduction Toolkit:An outrageous, ?better-than-risk-free? guarantee: I promise to reduce your business taxes by $2,000 or your money back!? An unheard of $445 in tax consulting coupons Over 150 pages of tax-slashing strategies designed only for the small biz owner or self-employed person, all explained in Plain English Well, there you have it. With these 3 bonuses, and ?Incorporation Tax Secrets Revealed?, you get over 250 pages of proven tax-slashing, asset-protecting information ? right now!The 3 free bonuses are worth 8 times your investment in ?Incorporation Tax Secrets Revealed? ? but they?re all yours absolutely free when you order within 72 hours.Most Importantly, You Get My 100% Risk-Free GuaranteeA Flat-Out, Unconditional, NO-RISK, Iron Clad, 90 Day, No-Questions-Asked, Money-Back Guarantee, PeriodI just know that this material is SO GOOD, that once you?ve read it and see what I?m talking about you?re gonna be blown away! I want you to have absolutely NO RISK involved in this decision.So, take 90 days to read the ebook and the bonuses; go ahead and redeem the Choice of Entity Analysis Certificate if you like.Within 90 days, if you?re not happy with the ebook or the bonuses for any reason (or no reason), simply request a refund and it?s yours! No hassle, no ?weasel clauses?, no pressure to change your mind.Hey, if you don?t like it, I don?t want you to have it! Now comes the best part . . . If you request a refund, you still get to keep the 3 free bonuses, including the Choice of Entity Analysis and the Choice of Entity Phone Consultation.Is that fair or what?Think about it like this ? $37 is really a ?no-brainer? when you consider the thousands of dollars in tax savings you?ll lose if you just continue doing ?business as usual.? That?s why there?s no doubt in my mind . . . .You Can?t Afford To Walk Away From This OpportunityWhat if I?m right ? that by forming a corporation for the first time, or by switching from one type of corporation to another ? that from this one strategy you reduce your taxes by just $2,000. And chances are pretty good that once you implement this strategy, you will continue to realize a $2,000 tax savings each and every year you remain in business.Over the next 5 years, we?re talking about $10,000. Over 10 years, $20,000.See what I mean by a ?no-brainer??See how much money you could be losing if you don?t invest in this ebook?And if you don?t act now and figure out which entity is best for you, you are not only walking away from putting $2,000 or $10,000 or $20,000 in your pocket, guess what happens to that money? You are letting Uncle Sam keep that money ? money that is really yours if you only knew how to get your hands on it!So just Click Here to order ?Incorporation Tax Secrets Revealed.???

Click Here for an instant download of the ebook. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download the ebook along with your FREE Bonuses.? Purchase Online with Credit Card by Secure Server? CLICK HERE NOW to download your copy! Online check payment also accepted. It doesn?t matter what time of day or night it is!

You will be downloading and reading the ebook and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes?and using it to save thousands in taxes immediately!

I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Sincerely,Wayne M. Davies, President
A Division of Wayne M. Davies Inc.P.S. Here?s what you get for the incredibly low introductory price: my new ebook, ?Incorporation Tax Secrets?, one free Choice of Entity Analysis (a $195 value), one free Choice of Entity Phone Consultation (a $145 value), my Tax Reduction Toolkit at 57% off, and my 90-day Risk-Free Guarantee. When it comes to affordable tax-slashing information for the Small Business Owner, it doesn?t get any better than this!? Click Here to order NOW!P.P.S. Remember, forming a corporation is The Ultimate Small Business Tax Reduction Strategy, and my ebook is The Only Plain English Guide To Saving Thousands In Taxes By Forming A Corporation. Think about what?s at stake if you decide NOT to order: literally thousands of dollars of your money! ??Wayne has done it again!? When setting up a business, what?s the one thing given the least amount of thought? The Choice of Entity. Wayne takes you by the hand and explains in plain English all you need to know about each type of entity. If you?re starting out and have no idea how to set up your new business, read this ebook first. By the time you?re finished, you?ll have a full understanding of each entity, the benefits of each, and which one is just right for you. Very enlightening! ? Merlehttp://EzineAdAuction.comhttp://MerlesWorld.com

A Division of Wayne M. Davies Inc.
4660 W. Jefferson Blvd., Suite 220
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
Tel: (260) 459-3858 / Fax: (260) 459-0124
email: Wayne@YouSaveOnTaxes.com

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